Sunday, January 4, 2009

The New Semester

Ok, so we are nearing the end of Christmas break and heading into a new semester. I love the excitement and the potential of heading into a new semester. It's kind of like the smell of napalm in the morning. Hmm? What I hate is the crossing of Is and the dotting of Ts (wait a minute, reverse that) that comes with putting the final touches on a new syllabus. I guess its all part of the wonderful bureaucracy that seems to make people feel as if they are living in a logical ordered world, but which I feel stifles all impulses to do good and makes me want to run into a cave and scream until I'm buried in an avalanche of hot fudge sauce and cashews. Anyway, classes start up again on Thursday, but I'll be in St. Louis doing workshops, then I'll have a week of classes before heading to Lawrence for KCACTF and a staged reading at the Lied Center, and perhaps more workshops. I'm not sure where this was heading when I started, but it has become a laundry list of my schedule for next couple of weeks. Sorry you had to read this. I'd delete it, but I'm really not that sorry, and it may have value as some sort of therapy. Bottom line is this, the new year is here, I'm back in Missouri, and I've got toget some shit done before I can get some shit done. Did I accomplish everything I wanted to over break? No. Did I waste time? Not really. If I had it to do over again, would I change anything? Yes. I would have gone to a movie. Again, sorry for putting you through this.

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